On Jan. 12, Ryndon was officially 5 months old. I can't believe how fast it has gone. The record 250+-mile/hour wind has nothing on me. As I tell everyone, he is just the coolest thing in the world and the HAPPIEST baby. (God knew who he was sending this kid to--a mom with not much patience.)
I am the luckiest person in the world to have such an incredible son and wonderful husband.
On Jan. 11, Ryndon had his first cold. We went to the doctor the following day and he weighed in at 15 lbs., 2 oz. Little chunk definitely has a milk belly and never skips a meal.

Official 5-month picture with pony.

About to have cereal for the first time.

Making more of a mess than eating it.

His favorite bink. It says future team roper.

Trying to roll over. We're not there, but almost.